For our real estate investor wholesale buyers we use a fax list similar strategy of blasting out the info on the property to them. Like the retail buyers list we also use email and voice broadcast, but since we often have fax numbers for our wholesale buyers as well, we have also done fax list blasts successfully on occasion. Having a big, healthy buyers list is one of the keys to running a successful investing business and especially true of running a successful wholesaling business fax list . It is well worth your time to focus on growing your list of both retail buyers and investor wholesale buyers.
Over the years there have been countless fax list complaints from consumers subjected to unsolicited telephone calls at inopportune times. The Canadian National Do Not Call List (ENCL) was passed into law by legislators in 2006 and took effect as of September fax list Canadians now have the option of registering their wireless, VoIP, fax and home phones to avoid unsolicited fax list telemarketer calls.
Registering on the National ENCL will reduce but not eliminate all telemarketing calls fax list . There are certain kinds of telemarketing calls that are exempted from the National ENCL rules. Canadian registered charities, political parties, and candidates fax list are still allowed to call for donations. Newspapers may also call you to sell you a subscription. If you have done business with a company in the last 18 months or inquired about a product or service in the last 6 months the company is fax list considered to have a relationship with you and is allowed to call you.